News from our lab!

We are looking for a dedicated postdoctoral fellow with bioinformatics expertise to join our team. Do you think you can be a good fit? Please, be in touch. - At present

Will successfully finished the half-marathon in Philadelphia! We are all so proud of him! - November 2002

Catrina joined our team in the research tech position! Welcome! - November 2022

We are exited to report that our work in collaboration with Drs. Steven Balk and Rupal Bhatt from Beth Israel Deaconess Medial Center has been awarded a new RO1 grant, titled “Enhancing the Efficacy of Docetaxel in Prostate Cancer” - September 2022

Congratulations to Urko on becoming an Instructor! Well done! - September 2022

Congratulations to Seaho, Cherie, Azrin and team for publishing their work of AR-V7 mechanism in castrate resistant prostate cancer in Elife! Well done guys! - July 2022

Urko became a father! Congratulations to him and his wife on their bundle of joy! - May 2022

Congratulations to our PI, Dr. Giannakakou, and team for receiving the DeGregorio Family Foundation award for scientific work performed to reverse taxane drug-resistance to gastroesophageal cancer - March 2022

Jiaren receives the AACR- Prostate Cancer Foundation Scholar-in-Training Award! Well done and congratulations! - February 2022


Prashant, Katsu and team successfully publish their findings that CLIP170S, a truncated variant of the microtubule plus-end-binding protein protein CLIP170, confers resistance to taxanes in Developmental Cell. Great job guys!- December 2021

Michelle joins our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to the team!- October 2021

Cherie is the recipient of the Cancer Pharmacology T32 Training Grant award! Congratulations and to many more accomplishments and achievements.- April 2021

Peppe becomes a father. Congratulations on your bundle of joy! We cannot wait to meet her!- April 2021

Peppe gets promoted to an instructor position. Way to go Peppe! We all support you on your future endeavors.- April 2021

Peppe is the recipient of the WCM SPORE in Prostate Cancer Career Enhancement Program award! Congratulations!- August 2021